Monday, March 9, 2009


Ha ha ha. I'm still reeling with laughter from Saturday's encounter with Red Robin at, Red Robin.

I only discovered Red Robin's presence when Deborah Sorensen suddenly gasped: "Oh my gosh it's Red Robin" in a high-pitched, hurried way, as though Red Robin were Brad Pitt or Hugh Jackman.
Later my laughter resumed at Old Navy. I pointed out a funny dog toy that was a bird at the cash register to Nikki, who replied "reminds me of Red Robin," like he was just one of our buddies from school or something. HA HA HA
I tried to find a picture of the toy online, but this was the best thing I found:

Debbie kept her cool when Red Robin came to our table:

Nikki Couldn't care less what was happening once her birthday ice cream came:

Ha ha, Nikki....

1 comment:

smart alec said...

aw! I'm so sad I missed the amazing day.