Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Now I know How Audrey Felt in Wait Until Dark

Today I got in the shower and shampooed up my hair and some trickled down and got in my eye so I squinted and then I closed the other eye and then I thought "hey, I should see what it's like for a blind person to take a shower." So I proceeded to keep my eyes closed for the entire shower. I even shaved my legs and armpits and didn't cut myself. It was a rather interesting experience and I highly recommend it to all. When I opened my eyes I discovered the shower being smaller than I remembered it. That was certainly a strange sensation.

Oh, on Sunday night I watched Pocahantas in my room by myself at like 12 AM. I found that I related to her in many ways I never dreamed I could. She had to choose to take the rough river or the smooth one to find the path in her life. Cocoum or John Smith... Anyone at a crossroads in their life should read this.

I mean watch this. I'm too lazy to erase.


deb said...

I've done that blind shower thing before. But I stopped when I accidentally cut my thumb on the razor...still brings pain to my dear thumb. Also, I think it is really great that you got so much from Pocahontas. PS. I think we are connected in many ways because last night I randomly started singing a song from Pocahontas.

Unknown said...

Hayley and Debbie- you are both insane. In my foods class in high school my teacher made us put masking tape on our fingers, shove earplugs into our ears, etc. to see what it would be like to cook when you're physically handicapped. It was pretty tough. And we all felt awesome because we couldn't move our fingers.
I think I desperately need to watch Pocahontas.