Sunday, June 6, 2010

Insight into my daily life

So, my job is pretty much the center of my universe these days. It's absurd. My coteacher Tara went to Colorado yesterday for two months, so I may die. In the next to months there may come a point in time where you will never see my fresh face, hear my biting sarcasm or operatic Beyonce singing again. The two year-olds will eat me... they will.
Enough drama. Here are pictures.
I had the art show for my two painting classes last week. I think it went pretty well. Here are a few of my favorite paintings and some pics of the show.


Dani said...

hayley! don't worry! kids are (mostly) harmless. i think you will live.
and if you die, i'll speak at your funeral! so don't worry.
in other news...
how they heck are you? i have not heard from you in a long time.

p.s. look how close my verification word is to the word "unicorn":


okay...not that close. never mind.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed. You're such a good teacher!

deb said...

I quite fancy the last painting. Those kids got skills.